FlexPaie, your electronic payment solution for simple, secure cash management

Receive payments quickly and securely with FlexPaie, the electronic payment solution that accepts all payment methods: bank cards and mobile money. This solution is hosted on a certified environment PCIDSS.

Whether you’re a merchant or a customer, FlexPaie is the ideal solution for you.

I sell my products online and receive my payments more easily...
With my payment page, I don't miss any more payment opportunities to sell my products, I get my money thanks to my payment page available 24/7. Via this page, my customers can pay by credit card or with the mobile operator of their choice.
Property owner
I can easily receive my rent payments remotely...
With my payment page, I can easily receive my rent money remotely, 24/7. In just a few clicks, I have a global view of my payments thanks to my dashboard.
We receive gifts, tithes and offerings more easily...
My payment page makes it easy to receive donations, tithes and offerings. In just two or three clicks, even churchgoers abroad can send their donations thanks to FlexPaie.
I sell tickets for my events and receive payments easily online...
With my payment page, I can easily sell my tickets over the Internet. My customers pay via their mobile money or credit card accounts.

The advantages of online payment with FlexPaie :

– Collect payments quickly and easily
– Accept all electronic payment methods (credit cards and mobile money)
– Collect payments with complete peace of mind, thanks to our secure and reliable solution
– Benefit from a dynamic dashboard displaying all transactions

With our online payment solution, you can accept payments securely, whether you are : a retailer, a business owner, a church, an NGO, an event planner, any other marchant or service provider

With our online payment solution, you can accept payments securely, whether you are : a retailer, a business owner, a church, an NGO, an event planner, any other marchant or service provider

FlexPaie benefits

Your payment is made in seconds! Customers or churchgoers can make their payments and send their donations remotely, 24 hours a day, and receive them immediately.

Your security comes firts !
FlexPaie is an INFOSET product powered by VISA, and hosted on  PCIDSS certified environment.

FlexPay uses cutting-edge security technologies to protect your transactions against fraud and unauthorized access.

FlexPay continuously monitors transactions to detect suspicious activity and take action if necessary.

FlexPaie protects your data and never shares it with unauthorized third parties.

Tracking and collecting your payments is so important that FlexPaie provides you with a dashboard accessible via your smartphone or computer, enabling you to monitor all your transactions in real time.

Reduce costs, collect payments more easily and manage your business more efficiently with a fully integrated, secure platform.

Do you have an e-commerce website? You can easily integrate our API into your website.

Repertoires des marchands

Les derniers marchands enregistrés

# Code marchand Nom
1 CACF CENTRAL AFRICA CREATIVE Afficher Effectuer un paiement
2 CHAUPE CHAUPE Afficher Effectuer un paiement
3 DECATHLON SPORTS EXPERTS SASU Afficher Effectuer un paiement
4 GSYNAPSE GROUPE SYNASPSE Afficher Effectuer un paiement
5 CHOTAA CHOTAA Afficher Effectuer un paiement